There are approximately 52 weeks in a year, give a day or two. 52 weeks and in those weeks you could change everything. There is almost no chance that by this time next year you're going to be even close to who you are today. Take that in, 52 WEEKS!!
52 Weeks to change for the better.
52 Weeks to change for the worse.
52 weeks worth of memories.
52 weeks worth of art.
52 glorious, outstanding, unpredictable weeks..
I am one of those people who constantly struggles and not only with my art but with my identity, and those surely go hand in hand. I wake some mornings refreshed, ready and happy to be exactly who i am but by the end of the day more than once i've become insanely lost. I don't necessarily believe in new years resolutions, mainly because saying you're going to do something doesn't mean you will do it. I believe that in order to really do something you have to WANT it. You have to crave it, you have struggle, and earn it. You must know that you are WORTH SOMETHING to somebody and that you are beautiful, inspirational, creative, and passionate. That you can change in 52 weeks! You can change in 52 minutes, you can even change in 52 seconds.
So with that said we must be SWIFT! We must be like the wind, ever flowing and passionate even if we are not seen! We must run harder, and harder and make sure people feel us! We are HERE and we are here to stay. Give yourself 52 weeks to BLOW them away! I am doing a 52 week project where i will be taking 1 photo a week, each one trying to progress higher than the last! Make a challenge for yourself, make yourself better! Make it an internal goal, something you must dig at and something you simply cannot live without. You will fall here and there, but from each stumble you will learn. That is why i created these pictures, that is why i'm showing all of you "Swift".
Swift is more than a photograph to me, it's a new era. Swift is going to be the revolution within my artwork and within myself because i need it to be. I need to wake up every morning knowing i am doing not only what i love but what is best for myself. I want to be impenetrable i want to become immortal within my artwork! I want it speak VOLUMES when i cannot. Swift is my wind, it's my battlefield and it's my being. Swift is going to be me... in my greatest, in my weakest, in my most vulnerable, in my most immortal form. I must Become Swift.