Flower Child
(Behind the Scene's)
Creating the scene for "Flower Child" wasn't difficult at all, besides the digging. It took me about two and a half hours to dig the ditch i wanted. It wasn't even very big, the reason it took so long is because i had to dig three separate ditches, two of which weren't even used! There were huge roots in the way of each ditch, so we just started on a whole new one and had the exact same problem. Finally we figured out a way to do the ditch without worrying too much about the roots, there was only one large root which was beside her feet which weren't even central to the shoot so we simply ignored it.
The costume was really simple, some short blue jeans, this amazing handmade bra (made by yours truly! x] ) and a bright pink wig! It wasn't too expensive and it worked wonders. Make-up was done by the lovely amazing Caroline who i cannot wait to work with again! Setting up for the shoot was really simple as well, aside from the digging. All we needed now were the flowers and the ladder! I stood on the ladder in order to look directly down at her. It was a lot earlier to get the shots we needed from that angle as opposed to me standing above her, which would have changed the ENTIRE look. I often bring ladders with me to shoots now.
During the final preparations, all that happened was Caroline moved back and we shot for literally 20 minutes. It was really quick, really easy and really fun! I hope this answers all of the question's i've been getting. This shoot wasn't too difficult it just took a lot of time (digging), a lot of creativity, and the right team. I enjoyed working with Caroline and Gracie more than ever, and i really cannot wait to work with them again!!
Enjoy the rest of the "BTS" shots!
Infinite x's and o's.