Introducing Neverland
a series by Christa Dickson Photography
When i was little i used to wonder about Neverland so much. Peter pan was one of my favorite disney movies, and i loved the idea of never having to grow older. When you're young your passion's are extreme, they're rugged and nobody can take them away from you in fact nobody wants too. You have more energy, power, passion and confidence.. you know nothing will prevent you from doing and being exactly who you want to be. That's what i loved most about neverland, i'd never have to give up.
When i was younger my mother would read me peter pan, and i'd ask about the lost boys. I was afraid they were all alone, and that nobody ever cared for them. She smiled at me and said, "They have an entire world, Christa. The boys, peter, everybody living in Neverland has an entire world of magic. They have everything they need to makes the imagination run wild so don't feel sorry for them.. they can fly."
Neverland was my safe haven, my forever home. Ever since she said that i had always wondered who lived in neverland, all the people and characters we never got to grow to love. That's why i created this series. Neverland is a place of magic, and everybody need's a little magic.
Neverland will continue to be open until i feel my heart has been filled to the rim with character's i've always wanted to create. That could be a very very long time. When you see "Neverland" i hope you stop and stare, i hope it takes your breathe away and more than that i hope it inspires you to live your life with magic. I hope you feel like a child again for a moment and remember that your passions mean more than any little quirks. Passion and love are the things that will get us through our days. I'm happy to experience these things with you, i hope i get too!
I decided to begin the series with "Flower Child". A beautiful girl who's life on earth brought death to everything she saw and touched, until one day she fell into a hole in the earth and flowers bloomed all around her. She was beautiful, bright, and lovely. She is everything i want to be, she found her place in the world in the most unexpected place and that's where i see myself. I want to bring about the unexpected, i want you to see what i can see and find love within each character and the character's stories.
Below you'll find more images from "Flower Child" and i'll update more later. I hope all of you like this blog post and find some sort of inspiration from it! Please feel free to email me with any questions, comments, or concerns. I hope to hear from all of you, and i hope you all know how important your opinion's are to me. I love all of you, completely. Enjoy the rest of the photo's from "Flower Child" and the newest Gif (which is very different from any i've done yet).
(Gif above.)
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I'll meet you in Neverland, soon.
infinite x's and o's